Title: Pummel Party

Developer: Rebuilt Games

Hours played: 2

Genre: Party Game, Minigame

Release date: 21 Sep 2018.

Price: $14.99

Pummel Party is a simple to understand game, Win keys, buy goblets, kill your friends. Simple! Pummel Party is very reminiscent of any mario party but more graphic and less PG. Some of the mechanics also seem very similar, To start all players roll and establish the order of the first round. This will change every round and is determained by the placements of the minigames. This helps when establishing strategy and gives the player the option to get the placement they desire. Another point which is similar to that of mario party is the main objective of this game, which is to collect keys, keys are the currency to by goblets which lead to winning the overall game.

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Keys can be collected from many different sources, winning minigame, landing on key octagons and stealing keys from other players. Keys can be lost through taking damage in game and the use of items. Keys are the most valuable items within the game and are worth taking the time to collect them by any means necessary as they do lead to winning the game.

The next Gameplay feature to point out is the different octagons on the map. There are 7 different tiles

The exclamation point: is the start of the game map. If landed on it will trigger a map event which can be a rise in the tide or a killer worm hunting down player for one round.

The trophy: This is the token to show the location of the chest.

The grey skull: This space can be claimed by the first player who lands on it. They can designate a grimreaper to steal either health or keys from trespassing players.

Healthpack: This will restore 10 HP when you land upon it.

The white skull: This tile will cause damage to any player who lands on it through a multiple ways and players will lose a random amount of HP.

The blue chest: This will give the player a random item to use during the beginning of thier turn.

The key: The golden key will give the player who lands on it keys to buy items.

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These tiles will always impact the game and change who is in the lead. Including items which all have a different use. These items can be placed into three different catagories. Offensive, Defensive and Utility. The offensive are the majority of the items in game these include the shotgun, remote control eggplant bomb, wrecking balls and a punch glove. The defensive is the shortest list as it contains the camouflage cactus which blocks incoming damge from all sources. The utility items include the medkit, the protal and the rocket all of these items give the player an advantage without too much hindrance too other players. 

The next step is the Minigames. At the end of each round minigames are used to determine the order of the next round, they give out items and keys for the victors. There are around 8 different minigames to play and they all have a different skills needed to win. Each are unique and quirky giving a unique sense of gameplay.

Pummel Party is a great party game for a large group of people. Its lightweight and enjoyable gameplay leaves players wanting more. Having the ability to use items to change the games tide and having different maps to play means it wont get old fast. Even with this game been in development soon its a pleasure to look forward to seeing what the developers come up with.

Score: 8/10

Please find gameplay below. WARNING GRAPHIC LANGUAGE AHEAD

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